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Leslie Lobel   Can Help

The services of a parent professional with 20 years of experience are available to help manage the practical realities of providing for your child with special needs.

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Overwhelmed by the maze of services  involved in parenting a newborn or older child with special needs?

If you are...

Grappling with a recent diagnosis of a medical or developmental disability for your child and require assistance to understand how the system operates so that you can most effectively access  recommended intervention services.

Limited in your ability to spend the necessary hours during the business day to rectify billing issues, to pursue payment on claims or to initiate medical pre-authorizations.

Requiring  assistance to schedule appointments or to complete the extensive documentation needed to begin therapy services, to apply for special education programs or to be seen by specialists.

Confused by the mechanics of insurance billing or the workings of government agencies.

In need of short term help as your child reaches certain milestones and transitions in the service systems.

Struggling to create and maintain a medical portfolio for your child’s health care or legal records.

Leslie Lobel spent the first 15 years of her career as a television producer and assistant director. After the birth of her second daughter in 1994 and the subsequent revelation of her child’s profound special needs came a period of personal redirection.  Her family strived to create an intervention program, cultivate relationships with medical specialists, evaluate school district services and navigate the bureaucracy of insurance authorization and claim reimbursement.  Needless to say, her production skills proved invaluable.

A major career shift ensued. For 10 years Ms. Lobel blended her personal experience and professional acumen in the role of intake coordinator, scheduler and insurance liaison for a private Westside PT, OT and Speech therapy clinic.  She helped hundreds of families resolve scheduling and insurance authorization issues. She expanded and deepened professional connections with local service providers, case managers, Regional Center Early Start, school district administrators and other related agencies in the Los Angeles area.

There are many issues that arise as families move through the childhood years of a son or daughter with disabilities.  Leslie Lobel now offers support and guidance directly to families who are navigating through the organizational maze and practical challenge of raising a child with medical or developmental disabilities.

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